IMAB  — 23 may 2024

Migrant ID - Job Vacancies from EWL Company!

European outsourcing company sp. z.o.o EWL invites men and women aged 18 to 54 to apply for various job positions.

🔹 Work and Living Conditions:

- Company-provided accommodation in a hostel (2-4 people per room).
- Separate rooms available for married couples.
- All hostels are equipped with necessary amenities for comfortable living.

🔹 Legal Work, Monthly Salary:

- An advance payment may be possible in the first month after the first week (inform the project coordinator).
- Work schedule: 5-6 days a week, 8-12 hours a day.
- Hourly payment.
- Work schedule is coordinated with the project coordinator.
- Working language – Russian.

🔹 Requirements:

- MIGRANT ID certificate issued no more than 6 months ago.
- Without the certificate, a guaranteed payment of 700€ is required.

🔹 Additional Information:

- Visa arrangements and travel to the workplace are the responsibility of the candidate.
- A free work invitation is provided only upon presenting the MIG

Migrant ID - Job Vacancies from EWL Company!

European outsourcing company sp. z.o.o EWL invites men and women aged 18 to 54 to apply for various job positions.

🔹 Work and Living Conditions:

- Company-provided accommodation in a hostel (2-4 people per room).
- Separate rooms available for married couples.
- All hostels are equipped with necessary amenities for comfortable living.

🔹 Legal Work, Monthly Salary:

- An advance payment may be possible in the first month after the first week (inform the project coordinator).
- Work schedule: 5-6 days a week, 8-12 hours a day.
- Hourly payment.
- Work schedule is coordinated with the project coordinator.
- Working language – Russian.

🔹 Requirements:

- MIGRANT ID certificate issued no more than 6 months ago.
- Without the certificate, a guaranteed payment of 700€ is required.

🔹 Additional Information:

- Visa arrangements and travel to the workplace are the responsibility of the candidate.
- A free work invitation is provided only upon presenting the MIGRANT ID certificate.

Job Positions

Warehouse Worker - BIEDRONKA
- Location: Stawiguda, near Olsztyn (Poland)
- Candidates: Women, Men up to 50 years old
- Requirements: MIGRANT ID certificate with at least 115 points
- Salary: 5.5€/hour
- Application with certificate: Free
- Vacancies: 120 people
- Start Date: 1 September 2024

Auto Parts Repair Plant Worker
- Location: Zduńska Wola (Poland)
- Candidates: Men up to 55 years old
- Requirements: MIGRANT ID certificate with at least 110 points
- Salary: 5.5€/hour
- Application with certificate: Free
- Vacancies: 82 people
- Start Date: 1 September 2024

Razor and Replacement Cartridge Packaging Worker
- Location: Łódź (Poland)
- Candidates: Women, Couples, Men up to 50 years old
- Requirements: MIGRANT ID certificate with at least 105 points
- Salary: 5.5€/hour
- Application with certificate: Free
- Vacancies: 35 people
- Start Date: 15 August 2024

Fish Processing Plant Worker
- Location: Kościerzyna, 60 km from Gdańsk (Poland)
- Candidates: Women up to 52 years old
- Requirements: MIGRANT ID certificate with at least 105 points
- Salary: 5.5€/hour
- Application with certificate: Free
- Vacancies: Ongoing recruitment
- Start Date: By agreement

Metal Car Frame Production Operator
- Location: Wałbrzych (Poland)
- Candidates: Men up to 55 years old
- Requirements: MIGRANT ID certificate with at least 120 points
- Salary: 1200€/month
- Application with certificate: Free
- Vacancies: 57 people
- Start Date: 1 October 2024

Train and Metro Door Manufacturing Worker
- Location: Rawicz (Poland)
- Candidates: Men up to 50 years old
- Requirements: MIGRANT ID certificate with at least 120 points
- Salary: 5.5€/hour
- Application with certificate: Free
- Vacancies: 33 people
- Start Date: 15 September 2024

For more information and to apply, please contact the EWL company.

IMAB  — 22 may 2024

Program NEWS

We have some exciting news for you:

We will now be posting some hot job vacancies from our partners on our channel. Candidates with a Migrant ID certificate can directly contact employers and book positions for their arrival. You can find them using the hashtag #GlobalPartnership. Great opportunity for you!

We will no longer publish participant lists in the Telegram group or on the website. There are so many of you now that these lists have become obsolete. All notifications will now be sent individually through our Telegram bot. Remember, our website is migrantid.org.

Stay tuned, there's much more to come! We are constantly working to bring you new opportunities and updates.

Yours, Migrant ID

IMAB  — 09 may 2024

Labor Migration During and After World War II

During World War II, many countries faced a shortage of labor, which was filled through extensive labor migration, including women, children, and foreign workers. These movements not only supported military efforts but also permanently changed the social and cultural landscapes of the participating countries.

United States: "Rosie the Riveter" and the Bracero Program
In the USA, "Rosie the Riveter" became an icon of female labor, symbolizing women who took over jobs vacated by men who had gone to the front. Women made up to 65% of the workforce in the aviation industry, significantly increasing the country's production capacities. Meanwhile, the Bracero Program attracted more than 4.5 million Mexican workers, providing necessary labor for agriculture and railroads.

United Kingdom: "Women's Land Army"
In Britain, about 80,000 women joined the "Women's Land Army" to help feed the country. External migration also played a role: the "White Bread" program brought in 200,000 workers from the Caribbean to support military production.

Soviet Union: Evacuation and Redistribution of Resources
The Soviet Union conducted a massive evacuation of industrial plants and workers from combat zones, moving about 25 million people eastward. Women and children were mobilized to work in heavy and defense industries, where they accounted for more than half of the workforce.

Nazi Germany: Forced Labor
In Germany, about 12 million forced laborers were used, who were brought from occupied countries to sustain the Nazi war and economic machine.

Post-War Migration: New Horizons and Changes
After the war, the world faced one of the largest migration waves in history. Millions of people moved across borders in search of a new home or fleeing destruction:

- USA and Canada took in a significant number of refugees and displaced persons, contributing to demographic and cultural changes in these countries.
- In 1948, following the mass migration of European Jews, the state of Israel was established, leading to a new wave of migration processes.
- In Europe, post-war movements laid the foundation for many modern multicultural societies, particularly in Britain, France, and Germany.

These changes highlight the profound impact of labor and post-war migration on the shaping of the modern world, leaving lessons about the strength of the human spirit and the ability to adapt and recover after global catastrophes.

IMAB  — 25 April 2024

Nepal Becomes New Gateway for Human Trafficking to Europe

Recently, Nepal has unexpectedly become the center of an international scandal, emerging as a new channel for human trafficking to Europe. Due to the peculiarities of its visa regime, which allows visas on arrival, criminal groups mainly operating from the Bangladeshi regions of Comilla and Noakhali deceive victims by posing as travel agents.

The Bangladeshi Embassy in Kathmandu has expressed serious concerns about the increase in cases of human trafficking through Nepal, as confirmed by data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In response, law enforcement has been tasked with intercepting this criminal route. They are engaged in investigating and detaining members of the gangs exploiting this route.

Victims are typically lured to Kathmandu with promises of employment in Europe, after which they are forced to pay significant sums, facing threats and physical violence. Salahuddin Noman Chowdhury, the Ambassador of Bangladesh to Nepal, highlighted the risks and the negative impact of such actions on the country's image.

To address this issue, the Department of Immigration in Nepal has been instructed to enhance the scrutiny of travelers. Simultaneously, law enforcement has intensified efforts to detect and stop the activities of human traffickers using Nepal as a transit point en route to Europe.

IMAB  — 17 April 2024

Returning to the Dangerous Path through Agadez

Agadez, Niger, known as the "gateway to the Sahara," has once again come under the spotlight following the repeal of a law criminalizing the transportation of illegal migrants. This decision, suddenly made by the new military government, has raised concerns about the resurgence of illegal migratory flows, accompanied by high risks to people's lives.

In recent years, Agadez has become a starting point for many risking their lives trying to reach the shores of Europe through the merciless desert and dangerous Mediterranean Sea. Law 2015-36, enacted under pressure from the European Union, was a step in combating illegal migration and human smuggling, aimed at preventing tragedies and saving lives.

However, its repeal has led to the return of activities by individuals like Usman Kouyate, who now openly organizes journeys for migrants across the desert. According to him, "Hosting and transporting migrants has become normal again," causing concern among advocates of legal and safe migration paths.

The return to illegal activities in Agadez not only endangers the lives of migrants but also questions the efforts of the international community to combat human tragedy. Stories of people like Kaba Bangoura from Sierra Leone, who waits for funding to risk the journey in search of work, remind us that many migrants face desperate situations.

The European Union and its member states have long called for the creation of safe and legal routes for those seeking asylum or better living conditions. Illegal migration not only risks people's lives but also fosters the activities of smugglers and human traffickers exploiting migrants' vulnerability.

The situation in Agadez requires urgent attention and international cooperation to ensure security and protect migrants' rights. Only through joint efforts can tragedies be prevented and ensure that those forced to leave their homes find safe refuge and new opportunities through legal means.

This material uses information from AL JAZEERA.

JCWI — 17 April 2023

Climate Justice is Migrant Justice

Right now, people in the Global South – which contributed least to the climate crisis – are bearing the brunts of its impact, while the Global North shuts its borders to keep people out. That needs to change – find out what JCWI is doing to fight for justice for people who move because of climate breakdown, now and in the future

JCWI is embarking on an exciting new project that aims to transform how we talk and think about climate-linked migration, based on the insights of people who have already had to move because of climate breakdown.

All over the world – but particularly in the Global South – communities are already being affected by the impacts of a climate crisis caused mainly by the global north. Farmers are losing their livelihoods, coastal communities their homes, and life-threatening weather events are on the rise.

We believe that, in the face of these challenges, everyone should have the right to stay and the right to move. That means protection from the worst impacts of the climate crisis, so that people can stay in their homes and communities – but it also means being able to move across borders to seek safety and a dignified life, if life at home is no longer viable. 

Right now in the UK, people who move are demonised and scapegoated. Too many people are forced to risk their lives in order to seek safety here, because of the lack of safe routes. And already, far-right actors are whipping up fear and hatred about people who are forced to move because of climate breakdown, using climate-linked migration as an excuse to call for ever more violent and dangerous border policing.

How we respond to this matters. People on the move because of climate breakdown – now and in the future – need meaningful legal protections, policy solutions that work, and narratives based in justice and solidarity, not fear and division. That’s why we’re embarking on this exciting new project.

We’ve worked on the links between climate justice and migrant justice before – from fighting for protection for Afghan climate activists and helping to organise a migrant justice bloc at the global climate strike to working with others on promoting justice-based framing around climate-linked migration. Now, we’re working on a project that brings together legal, communications and policy experts to bring about meaningful change.

Our legal team will represent people who’ve had to cross borders because of climate breakdown, to protect their individual rights and establish groundbreaking legal precedents for the protection of other people who move.

As well as this legal work, we will be proposing policy solutions that respond to climate-linked migration, and messaging and framing that makes an effective case for people who move. To do this, we’ll be establishing a steering committee of people who’ve been forced to move because of the impacts of climate crisis. This steering committee will work together, supported by JCWI, to come up with policy proposals that would actually work for people impacted by climate breakdown. They’ll also develop messaging and framing that can avoids the damaging narratives we’ve seen in the past, and helps us win the argument for justice and solidarity.

To find out more about the legal work we’re doing on this, please email adam.jones@jcwi.org.uk. To learn about the steering committee and the policy and communications work we’re doing on this, you can contact yazan.miri@jcwi.org.uk.

IMAB — 13 April 2023

On the Brink of Life and Death

Last year, the Mediterranean Sea became the stage for one of the most dramatic humanitarian crises of the last decade, echoing the dark pages of 2017. Harrowing tales of a journey of hope and despair by illegal migrants attempting to cross the waters on their way to Europe have drawn public attention thanks to the courage and selflessness of the crew of the rescue ship Life Support, belonging to the Italian charity organization Emergency.

On a sunny day in March, under the bright sun, the ship set sail from the Sicilian port of Catania to the search and rescue zone off Malta, a journey of 30 hours. Yet, even in the face of the open sea's cruelty and the aggression of the Libyan coast guard, the team's spirit remained unbroken. Their goal was clear - to save the lives of those in a desperate situation.

The Mediterranean Sea has long witnessed numerous tragedies, but the last year was marked by particular drama. The Libyan coast guard, supported by the European Union, became the main obstacle to rescue missions, attempting to stop their actions by any means. For instance, one day at sea, coast guard officials aggressively tried to halt the activities of another rescue ship, Geo Barents, threatening arrest and forced return to Libya. This is just one of the numerous examples of how the European Union, aiming to control migration, bears responsibility for people's lives and fates.

Especially saddening was the realization that EU countries, such as Italy, ceased their operations to rescue migrants at sea, leaving this task to the shoulders of small charitable organizations, which, despite limited resources, continue to save lives. Critics of sea rescue missions claim they merely encourage illegal migration, creating a "pull effect." However, no scientific study has yet confirmed this theory.

A testament to heroism and humanity, the Life Support team continued their mission, saving lives where states were powerless or indifferent. On one of the days, they rescued 71 people from an overloaded boat, many of whom shared their suffering in Libyan prisons. These stories remind us of the great value of human life and the importance of continuing the fight for its preservation.

This report not only challenges our perception of the migration crisis but also highlights the need for joint efforts by the international community to find humanitarian solutions capable of ensuring the safety and protection of those forced to leave their homes in search of a better life.

Sources: DW, correspondent Clare Roth, April 4, 2024.

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